0 comments Monday, January 22, 2007

Wow, what a comeback. Despite the first real snow of the winter and a bad history with the Patriots, the Indianapolis Colts triumphed this last Sunday. On to the Super Bowl.

0 comments Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Today was a good day. A good day to remember great people. For the first time I heard someone publicly speak about the loss of James Brown, that gladdened my heart. His passing was all but lost in the wake of the death of President Ford.

Big Crowds, lots to see and learn, and a food drive. The museum itself was, as always, a masterpiece of exhibit design. This was my first time in the future Indiana section. It was... neon and entertaining. Go play there!

0 comments Monday, January 15, 2007

A while back I graduated from college with my BFA in furniture design. Since then I've been able to get a little taste of what the market in my home town is like for that sort of thing....

Right now I'm doing event and wedding photography. If that tells you anything. I do miss having more time to devote to woodworking. Oh, how I miss my hand tools, I cannot count the ways. It would take too long. Even the callouses on my hands are sad, they haven't held a plane in at least a month or two.

Having said all that I wanted to share some of my work with the world. Most of this work is focused on elegant design and proportions rather than high concept. I just wasn't ready for that sort of thing when I made most of these pieces, I'm heading there now though.

I recently had a discussion with two current Herron students and shared with them something troubling. Despite the fact that I've been out of school for around 8 months or so, I still have nightmares that I've forgotten a project and it's due the next day. They were of course dismayed, both hoping those dreams would go away after school was over. Wrong, we are scarred for life!

Hail to the wood workers for when all is burned and gone... they will make us swanky new stuff!


Welcome to the new blog! Here you'll find all manor of things related my travels in and away from Indianapolis. You'll also find the occasional editorial rant, equipment review, and guest post.

To start things off right... but slightly belated :-) Here are a couple of images from the Dia de los Muertos celebration at Crown Hill Cemetery.

It was a wonderful event with something for everyone; kids and adults had craft tables, there were altars for lost loved ones, and incredible food and drink.

The Dia de los Muertos celebration happens there every year on either the 1st or 2nd of November. So, mark that fresh new calendar now. You'll have forgotten in eleven months.

Enjoy the blog, look for lots of new content in the coming weeks!