0 comments Friday, July 27, 2007


Sometimes you are really really glad your camera has a high speed drive mode. It's not something I use everyday, but once or twice a week it comes in handy.

Belly Dancer

I'd rather shoot dancers than sports any day :-)

0 comments Friday, July 20, 2007

Last weekend I had the pleasure of attending Crown Hill's Skeletons In The Closet tour. The tour was informative, fun and yielded some nice imagery.

Copper Drains

Those copper drains are super interesting and full of colors you don't run into everyday.

Crown Hill Gates

A telephoto zoom was used to isolate architectural details during the tour guides initial speech. The images have fair bit of post processing in Lightroom. The Hue/Saturation/Luminosity mixer proved incredibly useful for the above image. It simple wasn't working till I tweaked the orange and yellow channels to bring out some warmth in the stone, this helped to counter balance the aqua colored iron work.


I was drawn to this militantly styled tomb from my first peek at it.

1 comments Thursday, July 12, 2007

Here's some imagery from the 4th. Note the emotional contrasts in the first image and the traditional red, white , and blue.

That last image was pure serendipity, get five hundred people together in a public place and your bound to end up with some memorable shots.


Subtle colors and sweeping horizontals were the order of the day. It was beautiful there.

Conner Prairie Corn 2


Conner Prairie Corn